magnifying glass

Road traffic

Open data from Finnish roads.


General info

Road traffic information is gathered from the operational traffic management systems of ITM Finland Ltd (a subsidiary of Fintraffic). Currently the open data API includes:

  • Road weather cameras. Cameras provide information on current traffic flow and weather conditions. Currently, there are over 470 road weather cameras.

  • Road weather station data. The road weather stations measure e.g. temperature, wind, rain, relative humidity and dew point. Data is updated once per minute. Currently, there are over 350 road weather stations on the Finnish road network.

  • Road weather forecasts. Content is updated every five minutes.

  • Traffic measurement system (TMS) data. Information about average speeds and traffic amounts.

  • Traffic messages. Traffic disorders, weight restrictions, roadworks and weight restrictions are available in Datex2 and Simple-JSON format.

  • TMC/ALERT-C location data which is used in Traffic messages.

  • Variable signs

  • Road maintenance information

  • Walking and cycling counting site values

  • Metadata for all services is updated twice per day


See Information and instructions for using APIs > General considerations

Supported and deprecated APIs

Listings of supported and deprecated APIs can be found here.


Swagger descriptions of APIs

Full API descriptions can be found in Swagger-documentation

There you can find more detailed information about the available parameters of the APIs.

Weather cameras

Simplified and detailed information of stations


You should check from the station metadata at the least field below to make sure the camera or preset is in collection.

  • Camera fields state and collectionStatus
  • Preset field inCollection

Response message contains weather camera information and URL for the camera image. For example preset image C0450701 is located at https://weathercam.digitraffic.fi/C0450701.jpg.

Data for all stations and for single station


Weather camera images are updated approximately about every 10 minutes.

Weather camera image C0450701

Weather camera image history for the last 24 hours


API call returns links to history images for last 24 hours.

Current data of road weather stations

Simplified and detailed information of stations


Available sensors information


Data for all stations and for single station


Response message contains latest weather measurement data.

Data is updated almost in real time but information is cached. Actual update interval is one minute. Real time data can be read from WebSocket.

Sensor history for the last 24 hours

Sensor history from the weather road station can be fetched by API call:


Single sensor history can be fetched by API call:


Time interval can be adjusted with from={ISO 8061 time} and to={ISO 8061 time} parameters. By default last hour is returned.

Current road weather forecasts

Detailed ja simpler forecast road sections



Forecast sections are normally updated once a year.

Forecasts of the forecast sections



Message contains road sections weather forecasts. Reports are updated every five minutes.

Traffic measurement system (TMS)


The TMS documentation contains descriptions of TMS data.

Simplified information of all the stations and detailed information for a single station


Available computational sensors information


Data for all stations and for single station


Response message contains TMS (Traffic Measurement System)–stations measurement data.

Every TMS station provides information about current computational sensor values.

Data is updated almost in real time but information is cached. Actual update interval is one minute. Real time data can be read from WebSocket.

Traffic speed and traffic volume data in Datex2 format

The Datex2 API version is 3.5 and data is shared in both JSON and XML formats.

The shared sensor data is as follows:

  • Average speeds over the last five minutes (KESKINOPEUS_5MIN_LIUKUVA_SUUNTA1/2)
  • Average speeds over a fixed 60-minute period (KESKINOPEUS_60MIN_KIINTEA_SUUNTA1/2)
  • Passings over the last five minutes (OHITUKSET_5MIN_LIUKUVA_SUUNTA1/2)
  • Passings over a fixed 60-minute period (OHITUKSET_60MIN_KIINTEA_SUUNTA1/2)
Information of all the stations and for a single station

/api/tms/v1/stations/datex2 (Datex2 JSON)
/api/tms/v1/stations/datex2.xml (Datex2 XML)
/api/tms/v1/stations/{id}/datex2 (Datex2 JSON)
/api/tms/v1/stations/{id}/datex2.xml (Datex2 XML)\

Data for all the stations and for a single station

/api/tms/v1/stations/data/datex2 (Datex2 JSON)
/api/tms/v1/stations/data/datex2.xml (Datex2 XML)
/api/tms/v1/stations/{id}/data/datex2 (Datex2 JSON)
/api/tms/v1/stations/{id}/data/datex2.xml (Datex2 XML)


Statistics web form can be used to search reports from tms-stations.

Web form to search for statistics can be found at https://tie.digitraffic.fi/ui/tms/history/index_en.html.

Raw data

Measurement data can also be found in raw-format and more information is provided here

Traffic messages

Traffic messages are possible to get in standard DATEX II and Simple JSON -formats that is based on GeoJSON specification. Because of that JSON format contains also the geometries of the traffic messages unlike DATEX II. It is possible to get JSON formatted traffic messages also without area geometries to save time and bandwidth as the areas are quite large. The area geometries can be then cached locally from specific API for geometries eiter getting them one by one or all at once. This makes a big difference in size of the messages that have an area geometry.

Traffic messages contains TMC/ALERT-C locations to identify the affected area or location of the announcement. More information at TMC/ALERT-C location data

Dates in message texts are include in multiple formats. Fixed date time fields are in ISO 8601 date format and in UTC (Zulu) time. Best practice is to use some library that can parse date and times properly with any offset from ISO 8601 date format.

Types of traffic messages

  • Exempted transport EXEMPTED_TRANSPORT
    • Message contains information of transports causing disruptions for other road users.
  • Road work ROAD_WORK
    • Message contains information of road works including progress and disruptions for other road users.
  • Traffic announcement TRAFFIC_ANNOUNCEMENT
    • Message contains traffic incidents those have significant impact on traffic flow, e.g. traffic accidents and temporary traffic rearrangements.
  • Weight restriction WEIGHT_RESTRICTION
    • Message contains weight restriction limiting usage of the roads.

Traffic messages DATEX II -APIs

Traffic messages Simpele JSON -APIs

Traffic messages area geometries

Traffic message can contain area geometries that can be found from JSON-path: properties.announcements[x].locationDetails.areaLocation.areas[x].locationCode If value of API-parameter includeAreaGeometry is false the geometry is not returned in JSON-response. It is better practice caching geometries locally and get them from a local cache than to get them every time from the API.

Open an example of Simple JSON traffic message that contains ALERT-C area geometry with location code 27:
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": null,
      "properties": {
        "situationId": "GUID50379079",
        "situationType": "TRAFFIC_ANNOUNCEMENT",
        "trafficAnnouncementType": "general",
        "version": 1,
        "releaseTime": "2021-01-31T15:57:29.105Z",
        "announcements": [
            "language": "FI",
            "title": "Liikennetiedote. ",
            "location": {
              "countryCode": 6,
              "locationTableNumber": 17,
              "locationTableVersion": "1.11.37",
              "description": "Lappi Norjan vastaiset rajanylityspaikat."
            "locationDetails": {
              "areaLocation": {
                "areas": [
                    "name": "Lappi",
                    "locationCode": 27,
                    "type": "PROVINCE"
            "features": [
                "name": "Liikenne pysäytetään"
            "roadWorkPhases": [],
            "comment": "Rajoituksia henkilöliikenteen rajanylitykseen Norjan suuntaan:
Polmak, Karigasniemi ja Kivilompolo suljettu klo 21:00-09:00.

Näätämö suljettu 24/7 Utsjoki suljettu 24/7 Kilpisjärvi avoinna 24/7

Lisätietoa Norjaan matkustamisesta on osoitteessa www.entrynorway.no",
"timeAndDuration": { "startTime": "2021-01-06T14:58:00Z" },
"additionalInformation": "Liikenne- ja kelitiedot verkossa:
https://liikennetilanne.fintraffic.fi/", "sender": "Fintraffic Tieliikennekeskus
Oulu" } ], "contact": { "phone": "02002100", "email":
"oulu.liikennekeskus@fintraffic.fi" } } }

Area geometries are served from the API:

TMC/ALERT-C location data

TMC/ALERT-C material contains location data which is used in Traffic information such as road works, accidents, traffic jams and weather. More information can be found at TMC Data -page.


Variable signs


Response message contains latest variable sign data. Currenty supported sign types are speed limits and warnings. Digitraffic publishes the data only from the master device of a device group. Data from slave devices on the left side of the road or on ramps is not available.

Warning sign types(in Finnish):


Warning sign images:


Data is also available in datex2-format:


Warnings text can contain sign symbols enclosed with []. It is possible to render those in svg-format:


Road maintenance information

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency receives real-time location and operation information for maintenance vehicles from road maintenance contractors. The information is transmitted from the vehicles to the contractors’ information systems, from where it is further transmitted to the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency’s Harja system. Digitraffic also receives this information and publishes it as open data at the API’s described below. The data is updated every minute on average. Harja data domain is state-roads.

In additon to Harja-data we also receive some data from municipalities. This data’s domain is other than state-roads.

The Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency is also preparing publication of maintenance realization data for data older than one day in its own open data services.

Maintenance domain

The api returns possible values for domains. Domain tells the system where the data is coming.


Vehicle task types

The API returns more detailed explanations of the tasks performed by the vehicles.


Vehicle tracking data

The API returns the route taken by the vehicle. The route does not fully correspond to the road route of the vehicle, because the route to be published is formed by combining the location information from the vehicle into a line and separate routing to the road network is not done. The route can also be a point if no more waypoints have been obtained from the vehicle.

A new tracking object is created whenever:

  • the task performed by the vehicle changes
  • the interval between two consecutive received position messages is more than 5 minutes
  • the calculated driving speed between two consecutive received position messages is more than 140 km/h

These treatments eliminate the largest possible errors in the data generated by the vehicles.


Vehicle latest location


The API returns the latest location and task information received from the maintenance vehicles.

Walking and cycling counting site values

Walking and cycling counting site values are currently received from Oulu and Turku regions.

All counting sites in GeoJSON


More metadata


Counting site values in json


Counting site values in CSV


MQTT WebSocket APIs

TMC-data can be tracked from following Web Socket APIs. Protocol is MQTT over WebSockets. This allows you to subscibe only those topics you are interested in.

Production address is wss://tie.digitraffic.fi:443/mqtt.

You must use SSL when connecting.

When using Paho JS-client the address is plain tie.digitraffic.fi and port 443, see example below.

Address for test is tie-test.digitraffic.fi.

Simple example client can be found at Support > MQTT examples page.


At the root of each offered data type is also the topic status. The message tells when the data is last updated in epoch seconds. E.g.:

status: {
  "updated" : 1676628995

You can replace <id>-part in topic with #-character to listen all messages. E.g.. tms-v2/#

Topics are constructed like shown below.

Current data of road weather stations

  • weather-v2/<roadStationId>/<sensorId>
  • weather-v2/status
Weather station sensor measurement message

Current data from TMS stations

  • tms-v2/<roadStationId>/<sensorId>
  • tms-v2/status
TMS station sensor measurement message

Traffic messages

  • traffic-message-v2/datex2/<situationType> Message payload is in Datex2 XML format.
  • traffic-message-v2/simple/<situationType> Message payload is in simple JSON that is gzipped and base64-coded


Example simple JSON gzipped and base64-coded value: 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 You can test decompressing it i.e. at https://facia.dev/tools/compress-decompress/gzip-decompress/

Or with command line

  • Linux: echo "<message>" | base64 -d | gzip -d
  • MacOS: echo "<message>" | base64 -d -i - -o - | gzip -d

And code to decompress message with browser and JS can be found at JSFiddle.

Road maintenance information of latest location

  • maintenance-v2/routes/<domain>
  • maintenance-v2/status

Allowed domain values are state-roads, autori-kuopio, autori-oulu and paikannin-kuopio.

Road maintenance tracking message

A simple JavaScript Web Socket client

The code below refers to the missing variable clientName. Initialize it with the name of your application.

Note! If your application is not constantly fetching data, close the connection by calling client.disconnect().)
The example code disconnects after 30 s.

    <title>Test mqtt tms-messages</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js" ></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/paho-mqtt/1.0.2/mqttws31.min.js"></script>

        'use strict';
        const lines = [];
        let messagesLastMinuteCount = 0, client;

        function connect() {
            console.log('trying to connect to road mqtt...');

            // enter a valid client name to fix the syntax error
            client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("tie.digitraffic.fi", 443, clientName);

            client.onConnectionLost = function (response) {
                console.info(Date.now() + ' Connection lost:' + response.errorMessage);
            client.onMessageArrived = function(message) {



            const connectionProperties = {
                onFailure: onConnectFailure,


            window.setInterval(logMessageCount, 60*1000);
        function disconnect() {

        function logMessageCount() {
            console.info(Date.now() + ' ' + messagesLastMinuteCount + ' messages per minute');
            messagesLastMinuteCount = 0;

        function onConnect() {
            console.info(Date.now() + ' Connection open');
        function onConnectFailure(response) {
            console.info(Date.now() + ' Connection failed .' + response.errorCode + ": " + response.errorMessage);

        function addMessage(message) {
            const text = JSON.stringify(message);

            if (lines.length > 100) {


        function updateList() {

        // disconnect after 30 seconds
        setTimeout(disconnect, 30000);
Messages (<span id="messagesPerMinute">&lt;counting&gt;</span> messages per minute):
<div class="messages" />
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