Information about train stop sectors will be introduced into rail APIs.
The data model and API for port calls will undergo changes during 2025.
User Management and API keys for better support and advanced usage.
Developer Portal for developers to better manage Digitraffic APIs.
Information about unknown track or delay will be introduced into rail APIs.
Information about bus replacements and stop sectors will be introduced into rail APIs.
Due to changes in datasource a new API for winter navigations is planned.
Data Catalog service which will provide comprehensive description of Digitraffic data for Digitraffic users. Planned to be implemented during 2025.
The status service has been changed to an open source product and it’s now self-hosted.
We are migrating HSL Liityntäpysäköinti service from HSL to Digitraffic. Service is planned to be fully migrated during autumn.
Divide interfaces to more coherent entities and try to follow REST APIs’ best practices more carefully.
Sharing of TMS stations data history. More information at
Bringing municipal road maintenance, condition and street work permit data to the interfaces.
Sharing of the railway passenger information data. This corresponds to the information provided to passengers on the screens and in the announcements at the station platforms.
Realtime GTFS feed of railway traffic that provides realtime updates for train locations and timetables.
We are planning for sharing data of counting of pedestrian and cyclists movement.
Weight restrictions and road works will be published in addition to Datex II -format also in JSON-format.
Disturbances in waterway traffic are planned to be published on Digitraffic API.
Distribution of real-time location and operation information for maintenance vehicles with MQTT protocol. More information about the data can be read from
Digitraffic > Road traffic > Road maintenance information.
Datex2-api supports information from variable speed limit and other changing signs.
Traffic restriction notifications from RUMA will be published via Digitraffic. More info about RUMA (in Finnish)
Faults of maritime navigation aids are planned to be published on Digitraffic API. The data is produced by Väylä.
Civic issue tracking with Open311-specification API. More information
Track work notices from RUMA will be published via Digitraffic. More info about RUMA (in Finnish)
API for archived road weather cameras (last 24h)
Variable speed limit signs and information boards are planned to be published on Digitraffic API.
Distribution of road maintenance tracking data for road maintenance machines at Digitraffic. Tracking data for machines is imported from HARJA and is intended to be distributed in GeoJSON format. More information about HARJA:
Weight restrictions and road works will be published as DatexII-documents.
Current AIS integration is coming to its end of life so a new one will be needed. This should not affect end users.
Digitraffic is planning to publish data from navigational buoys (Sea State Estimation (SSE) algorithm on floating marine aids to navigation (AtoN) of the Finnish Traffic Administration).
Road conditions version 2 data is planned to be published on Digitraffic API. The new version provides higher resolution for road segments and there are higher number of forecast points. More information!category-topic/roaddigitrafficfi/yleinen-keskustelu/u-PybMHgER8